World Language Department
Christina Liapis
I graduated from Northern Illinois University with a degree in English Education and a Spanish minor. I received my Master’s Degree in Spanish Education abroad through the University of Southern Mississippi in Michoacan, Mexico for two summers and spent a third summer studying in Spain. I began my Spanish teaching career in 1995 at Palatine High School and have been here ever since!!!
Outside of the classroom:
During my free time I love to travel and feel like it is an extension of my teaching career. Aside from teaching I have coached Speech Team and have had the privilege to travel to Costa Rica with PHS students. What a great experience!!! Throughout the years I have assisted with various clubs and activities including the Student mentor program and Foreign Exchange Club.
Aside from my life as a teacher I am a proud mom of three! As a family we enjoy traveling, spending time outdoors, skiing, and my most recent love, attending all of the “fútbol” (soccer) games that my children are involved in! I also enjoy running, yoga, eating out and simply enjoying life as it comes to me.
Philosophy on language:
Having grown up in a dual-language household, English and Greek, I have learned that the only way to become fluent in ANY language is to USE it!
By making mistakes we become experts! Practice, Practice, Practice!!!