World Language Department
World Language Course Information
The teachers of World Language at PHS believe that ANY student can learn another language,
provided the student is willing to invest in their language-learning journey.
We offer complete sequences of French, Spanish, and Spanish for Heritage Speakers courses that meet the various language needs and backgrounds of our students, from beginning learners to native speakers. We recommend that students enroll in a complete sequence of a language so as to make the experience as valuable and marketable as possible. German 1 starts fall 2024! Incoming Freshman please sign up with your school counselors. Here is a pathway of languages chart to help you.
Selecting Your First Course
No Background in Spanish, French, or German
Students who have never studied a world language before or who speak another
language but wish to learn a new additional language may simply register for the
first level of a language (i.e. Spanish 1 or French 1). German 1 starts fall 2024!
Some Background in Spanish or French
Freshmen who have already successfully studied a language for two years at the
junior high level should register for the second year of that same language
(i.e. Spanish 2 or French 2).
Significant Background in Spanish (both formal and informal settings)
Any heritage or native speaker of Spanish wishing to enhance their bilingual
roficiency should enroll in a Spanish course specifically designed to meet their
anguage-learning needs (i.e. Spanish for Heritage Speakers). Students fitting
his description should NOT enroll in the Spanish second-language learning
courses mentioned above. In addition, students who attended dual-language
programs for an extended period of time may not be suited for second-language
courses, either. In both scenarios, please contact the Department Chairperson
for help determining course placement.
Not sure if you are considered a Heritage or non-Heritage learner?
Click here to view a quick self-assessment.
Dual Credit and Advanced Placement (AP) Courses
All students, including those starting at the first level of a language, have the ability to earn dual credit or AP level courses by their senior year. Both French and Spanish AP Language courses are offered. In addition, Spanish does have an AP Literature and Culture course that is offered after the AP Spanish Language course.
Additional Information
The study of one language for four years is highly recommended for reaching an intermediate to advanced level of proficiency as well as satisfying many college requirements. For specific language course descriptions and sequences of study, please view pages 60-63 of the D211 Curriculum Guide below.
To explore college majors and career clusters including language courses, search "Spanish" or "French" on the College Majors & Career Clusters site below. Despite whether or not language courses are included in the suggested coursework within each career cluster, please know that ALL students can take a language course. There are so many research-based academic, cognitive, and social advantages to learning a language that students will benefit in whatever career-path they choose.
Finally, view the PHS Quick Course Guide gives a short and sweet version of course sequencing options and way to extend your language-learning beyond the classroom.